Posts Tagged ‘Traditional Christmas Flower’

Poinsettia (Eurphoria pulcherrima) The Traditional Christmas Flower

Most people are familiar with the Poinsettia plant at Christmas time. Their showy red bracts make them ideal for decorating the house and they also make a great gift.

A beautiful story is told of Peptita, a poor Mexican girl, who had no gift to give the baby Jesus at the Christmas Eve mass. As she walked mournfully to the church her cousin Pedro tried to comfort her by saying, “even the most humble of gifts once given in love will always be accepted by him”.

Poinsettia Close 2

Peptita gathered a bunch of weeds from the roadside, for this was the only gift she could offer. As she approached the crib her mood lifted. Forgetting how humble her gift was, she laid the weeds at the base of the manger. Suddenly, the ordinary weeds burst into brilliant red blooms. This miraculous event was named ‘Flores de Noche Buena’, or ‘Flowers of the Holy Night’. We call these flowers Poinsettia.

Poinsettia Pink

To care for your Poinsettia

Keep your Poinsettia in a bright spot in your house where it will receive indirect sunlight. Poinsettias do not like to be cold so keep them warm and out of cold draughts. Allow to slightly dry before watering and never leave the plant standing in water.
