Posts Tagged ‘colourful houseplants’

Colourful Houseplants

During these damp and dark winter months, we all need some colour and warmth in our lives! This week we take a look at how you can add some cheer to your home with colourful houseplants. Here are my top picks!


A very popular bulb for indoor use. It is a spring flowering bulb with a lovely scent available in different colours. Also an ideal gift around X-mas time! It prefers a bright spot and you can pot them up or grow them in water in a decorative vase. Keep them cool during the growing season to prolong bloom.


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You can find them in shades of pink, red, white and purples. The foliage is attractive, having silver marbling on the top sides of the leaves. Keep moist but not wet.

Cyclamen Pink Wide


You can grow azaleas indoors much like any other houseplant and you get them in shades of red, pinks and whites. Keep them damp and since they prefer slightly acidic soil, you may want to use fertilizer for that purpose.


Christmas cactus:

A beautiful plant that flowers at Christmas time known as Schlumbergera. Put into bright light and keep it on the dry side. Don’t overwater because that might cause bud drop.

Christmas Cactus

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This is a traditional Christmas flowering plant that will last through the X-mas season. Be sure that your poinsettia is well wrapped when you take it outside on your trip home because you might get leaf damage with the cold weather. Water only if the soil feels dry and keep in a bright room.



We hope this has given you some great ideas for brightening your home this winter! For more ideas, drop in to see our team 🙂

Best wishes,

Monica Schmidt, Horticulturalist at Powerscourt Garden Centre, Wicklow