Weigela Plant of the Month for May

Weigela is a popular shrub, loved for it’s profuse production of trumpet flowers in May and June. It belongs to the Caprifoliaceae family and is native to Eastern Asia. The genus is named after the German scientist Christian Ehrenfield Weigel. The leaves are 5-15cm long, ovate oblong with an acuminate tip and serrated margin.

The flowers are 2-4cm long with a five-lobed white, pink or red corolla, produced in small corymbs of several together in early summer. The fruit is a capsule containing numerous winged seeds. Arching stems covered in bell-shaped flowers in May and June makes Weigela a traditional favourite for mixed shrub borders and backgrounds.


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Cut back strongly when flowering is over to promote renewed flowering for next season. Every 3-4 years, take out about 1 in 4 of the oldest shoots at the base to encourage new growth.

It is fully hardy and deciduous. Some varieties have variegated leaves. Depending on variety, they can reach a height of 1.5-2 metres. Weigelas love full sun but will also thrive in half shade and enjoy fertile, well-drained soil.


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Varieties such as Weigela florida ‘Nana Variegata’ grow to about 1.5 metres. This is a compact shrub with cream variegated leaves and loads of arching pink flowers in May and June, it is a must for every garden.

Another lovely variety is Weigela ‘Red Prince’. This cultivar is an egg-shaped, upright deciduous shrub with dark green leaves. Red bell-shaped flowers appear in early Summer and again in late Summer. Always remember to give them a good feed at the start of the season to promote strong growth.


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See the latest plants available in Powerscourt Garden Pavilion! And also visit our new website 🙂

Best wishes,

Marianne Caplice

Horticulturalist & General Manager, Powerscourt Garden Pavilion

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